Yongary, Monster from the Deep / Konga


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TITLE: Midnite Movies – Yongary, Monster from the Deep / Konga




YEAR: 1967 / 1961

STORYLINE: Yongary, Monster from the Deep – A South Korean family celebrates the wedding of an astronaut. Then the groom receives a call on his wedding night that he is needed for a reconnaissance flight during which he observes a nuclear test that triggers an earthquake in Korea. Strangely, the quake’s epicenter keeps moving towards Seoul. A photographer who was documenting the moving temblor’s damage notifies authorities that its cause is a gigantic underground creature making its way toward Seoul. Martial law is declared. As the creature, Yongary, emerges, it begins to wreak havoc on the city. Later, it is seen drinking from a refinery’s storage tanks to fuel its flaming breath. Icho, an eight-year-old boy, also notices that it disliked a tank of ammonia when it was ruptured. Il-Woo, the boyfriend of Icho’s sister, is a scientist. He recognizes the creature’s aversion response and concocts a precipitate of ammonia. The first batch puts Yongary temporarily to sleep, so a stronger form needs to be created. This is taken up in a helicopter to be deployed.

STORYLINE: Konga – Dr.Decker comes back from Africa after a year, presumed dead. During that year, he came across a way of growing plants and animals to an enormous size. He brings back a baby chimpanzee to test out his theory. As he has many enemies at home, he decides to use his chimp, ‘Konga’ to ‘get rid of them’. Then Konga grows to gigantic proportions and reaks havoc all over the city of London!!

STARS: Yongary, Monster from the Deep – Yeong-il Oh, Jeong-im Nam, Soon-jae Lee

STARS:  Konga – Michael Gough, Margo Johns, Jess Conrad

UPC: 027616086341

NOTES/INFO: 1967 / Color / 80 Min. – 1961 / Color / 90 Min

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Weight 4 oz
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