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Deranged / Motel Hell $12.99
Brick Mistress - 4-Track Demo $149.99
I was a Teenage Frankenstein / I was a Teenage Werewolf $14.50
Caltiki The Immortal Monster $9.50
John Bushnell - 7th Sense $29.99
Epic Audio Buyways 203/'91 $13.99
It Conquered The World $9.50
The Colossus Of New York / The Cyclops $14.50
Eolomea $54.99
D.O.A Magazine $9.99
Scrotum Grinder – Scrotum Grinder $4.99
Beach Blanket Bingo / How to Stuff a Wild Bikini $18.99
Traces – F.Y.N.B. $17.99
Strange Invaders / Invaders from Mars $15.99
Anthrax - Live in a Madhouse $12.99
The Comedy of Terrors / The Raven $18.99
Day The World Ended/ The Phantom From 10000 Leagues $14.50
MC Eiht – Geez Make The Hood Go Round $13.99
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