- Greencore!: Weed Smokers Compilation - Various $19.99
- The Silent Star $39.99
- It Conquered The World $9.50
- MC Eiht – Geez Make The Hood Go Round $13.99
- Algiers $9.99
- Leslie Keffer / Kim Gordon / Thurston Moore – Keffer Gordon Moore $34.99
- The Attic / Crawlspace $19.99
- Piece Dogs - Exes For Eyes $19.99
- Mole People $9.50
- Mars Needs Women $18.99
- A Blueprint for Murder / Man in the Attic $16.99
- Slayer – The Blood Before The Reign $499.99
- Forbidden Planet $9.50
- Kingsuite - Kingsuite $89.99
- In The Dust of the Stars $35.99
- Tales from the Crypt / The Vault of Horror $9.99
- Bombing Bush Compilation / 9YearOldMudFlesh - Split $16.99
- The Convivial Hermit #6 $9.99