DVD-R Statement

The DVD-R & DVD+R(s) offered here are custom-made movie/set(s) made from movies/episodes acquired in the collector arena. These can be rare, extremely hard to find and possibly all that still exist. In many cases, these movies/episodes were transferred from a master source many years ago (master source to beta or VHS to DVD as each media became available)

If you are unfamiliar with video collecting and do not know what a “collector set” means…  It DOES NOT mean every movie/episode is pristine and without flaws. It DOES NOT mean all movies/episodes are today’s TV quality. It DOES NOT mean all movies/episodes will look great on your 72” 4k Big Screen Smart HDTV.

If you want to watch this movie/set for what it is, “a piece of lost TV/Movie history” then by all means do so. I cannot be more honest in my explanation.  DO NOT expect better quality than I am stating is being offered.

NO RETURNS, NO REFUNDS. In the event a disk is faulty (will happen these things are not error proof). Just send me a message & I will send a replacement. Thanks.

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